What is Mediation?

Mediation is an informal process of facilitated communication seeking to resolve disputes between individuals or specific entities. The communication is directed by a mediator – a neutral person who works with the parties exploring opportunities for settlement. If the mediation is successful, a settlement document (a contract) is signed by the parties describing what issues have been settled and the terms of the settlement.

Mediation sometimes involves conversations in a group with all parties involved – and their counsel – and the mediator, but much of mediation can be done with the mediator visiting with one side at a time.

Mediations generally include lawyers for the parties involved, but no one is required to have a lawyer at a mediation. And the mediator does not give legal advice at a mediation.

Contact the Firm


Law Offices of Lucius D. Bunton


710 West 14th Street,
Suite A,
Austin, Texas 78701

